Alex Kirsch
Independent Scientist

This site provides information about my scientific activities:
presentations, publications and research interests.

Find additional information about my work on the website of my company and its product todoListo.

My Company
Alex Kirsch IT
Hands-on Consulting

Recent Activities

July 2024
DEKRA certification as IT expert
March 2024
February 2024
New blog series: My todoListo Adventure
January 2024
Alex Kirsch IT GmbH finally has a website (any similarities to this website are purely coincidental 😉).
December 2023
After zwei years of work todoListo is published!
August 2023
Two papers accepted on one day! The role of story-based categorizations in motion classification, with Frank Papenmeier and Juan Purcalla, will be published in the journal Cognitive Science. AI Birds: Obstacles for Reaching Human-Level Performance and a New Role for Qualitative Reasoning, with Diedrich Wolter and Felix Haase, will be presented end of September at the International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning.
April 2023
November 2022
October 2022
Founding of my own company:
Alex Kirsch IT GmbH!
September 2022
April 2022
I am happy to be part of the organizing committee of the workshop Robust AI for High-Stakes Applications. The workshop will be held in conjunction with KI 2022 in September 2022.
March 2022
After a year of planning and replanning, the Interdisciplinary College 2022 finally takes place between March 7 and 17!
February 2022
New blog series: Facets of Decision Making
January 2022
As part of the Tech:Lounge Winter Edition by the native web I give short introductions on Lisp and Prolog in the webinar about advanced language concepts (in German).
November 2021
As part of the Tech:Lounge Winter Edition by the native web I teach three webinars about Artificial Intelligence (in German).
October 2021
My first Youtube appearance: a Podcast about Ethics and AI by the native web (in German).
October 2021
September 2021
Review of a joint research effort for the European Commission.
August 2021
I am now a fulltime freelancer and therefore available for more extensive projects!
July 2021
New blog series: Goals Considered Harmful
Mai 2021
April 2021
I have been appointed as one of the chairs for the Interdisciplinary College 2022! I am looking forward to shaping this wonderful with Jutta Kretzberg, Marieke van Vugt and the organising team!
January 2021
Together with Celmens Beckstein I contributed the Chapter on AI Search in the lately released "Handbuch der künstlichen Intelligenz".
December 2020
October 2020
Review of a joint research effort for the European Commission.
Mai 2020
Publication of a book chapter with Volker Strobel: MyPDDL: Tools for Efficiently Creating PDDL Domains and Problems
December 2019
My paper Shakey Ever After? Questioning Tacit Assumptions in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence was published in Künstliche Intelligenz.
October 2019
I gave a presentation about the state of autonomous driving in a session on Ethics and Legislation of Autonomous Systems in Würzburg.